Elizabeth: The Golden Age is a 2007 film sequel to the 1998 film Elizabeth, directed by Shekhar Kapur and produced by Universal Pictures and Working Title Films. It stars Cate Blanchett in the title role and is loosely based on events during the latter part of the reign of Queen Elizabeth I of England. The screenplay was written by William Nicholson and Michael Hirst. The music score was composed by Craig Armstrong and A. R. Rahman.
It was filmed at Shepperton Studios and various locations around the United Kingdom with an estimated production budget of 50 to 60 million USD.[1] Guy Hendrix Dyas was the production designer and the costumes were created by Alexandra Byrne.
The film won an Academy Award for Best Costume Design and Blanchett received an Academy Award nomination for Best Actress. Blanchett was an Oscar nominee for Best Actress for Elizabeth as well.
Release date(s) October 12, 2007(USA)
November 2, 2007 (UK)
Format 3gp
Size 176x144
Rating by Me 2.4/5
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